marți, 30 noiembrie 2010
Romania, DA!
Maine, e ziua nationala a Romaniei, a tuturor romanilor iar eu spun: "Romania, DA!". Iubesc Romania si sunt constienta de ceea ce spun. Poate ca daca nu ma nasteam aici ci intr-o alta tara, mult mai bogata, mult mai dezvoltata, nu eram azi asa cum sunt. Si spun asta pentru ca imaginea aceasta a Romaniei, pe care toti o blameaza, m-a facut sa vreau mai mult, sa lupt, sa muncesc, sa creez, sa imi lovesc genunchii si sa ma ridic! Eu cred in Romania si cred in sansa mea! Romania, sa cresti MARE! Tu ce ii urezi Romaniei?
luni, 29 noiembrie 2010
Andreea Marin susţine campania "Jucăriile pot face miracole"
Eliza Chirilă a avut onoarea de a filma cu Andreea Marin Bănică un mesaj de promovare al campaniei "Jucăriile pot face miracole", iniţiată de elevii clasei a XII-a E, de la Colegiul Naţional "Roman - Vodă", din Roman. Mulţumiri doamnei Andreea Marin Bănică!
Eliza Chirilă a avut onoarea de a filma cu Andreea Marin Bănică un mesaj de promovare al campaniei "Jucăriile pot face miracole", iniţiată de elevii clasei a XII-a E, de la Colegiul Naţional "Roman - Vodă", din Roman. Mulţumiri doamnei Andreea Marin Bănică!
duminică, 28 noiembrie 2010
Campania “Jucariile POT face miracole!” este sustinuta de Andreea Marin Banica
Pe 25 Noiembrie 2010, Andreea Marin Banica s-a alaturat campaniei “Jucariile POT face miracole!” si a filmat un mesaj de promovare si sustinere. Campania initiata de elevii Colegiului National Roman-Voda isii propune sa o ajute pe Loredana, o tanara din Roman ce sufera de parapareza spastica.
Multumesc, dragi colegi!
By Eliza Marciana Chirila">Eliza Marciana Chirila on November 14, 2010
Azi, vreau sa le multumesc tuturor colegilor mei care ma sprijina in campania umanitara “Jucariile POT face miracole!”
Le multumesc pentru ca sunt cooperativi, comunicativi, pentru ca vin cu idei frumoase si pentru ca isi rup din timpul lor liber pentru a o ajuta pe Loredana!
Multumesc, dragi colegi!
Si mai nou, multumesc si doamnei Andreea Marin Banica pentru faptul ca a deciss a ne acorde spijinul dumneaei in aceasta campanie ce se va demara pe 25 Noiembrie in orasul Roman!
Coordonator : Eliza- Marciana Chirila
This post was submitted by Eliza Marciana Chirila.
vineri, 26 noiembrie 2010
Promovarea proiectului "Jucariile POT face miracole!"ţine-campania-%22Jucăriile-pot-face-miracole%22.html
Aici s-a scris despre proiectul nostru! Multumim!ţine-campania-%22Jucăriile-pot-face-miracole%22.html
Aici s-a scris despre proiectul nostru! Multumim!
miercuri, 24 noiembrie 2010
marți, 16 noiembrie 2010
Am fost selectata pentru urmatorul proiect:
Erfurt , GERMANY , 3rd-7th of December 2010
EU=You: Citizens engagement in the EU after the Treaty of Lisbon
Public Conference
-Acum astept cu interes ultimele detalii de la organizatori, pentru a-mi putea cumpara biletul de avion!
Toamnă-n suflet
Azi e toamnă-n suflet şi plouă cu-amintiri,
Am lacrimi pe obraji şi sufletu-i pustiu...
Cad frunzele stinghere şi palmele-mi ating,
Ochii se duc departe şi gândul mi-e străin...
Iar cerul frunţii mele se-ntunecă din nou,
Nimic nu-mi pare veşnic şi totu-mi pare nou...
Mă pierd printre cărări şi nu-mi găsesc menirea,
Ştiu doar atât: că-n suflet se-aşterne nemurirea...
E nemurirea mea şi-a sufletului meu,
Azi nu mai vreau nimic,azi caut un alt EU!
duminică, 14 noiembrie 2010
vineri, 12 noiembrie 2010
"Jucariile POT face miracole!"
Dragi Romascani, Joi, 25 Noiembrie se va desfasura prima actiune din campania umanitara "Jucariile POT face miracol!". Echipa coordonatoare va vinde primele jucarii in sedinta de consiliu local din cadrul Primariei Roman!
Inregistrarea acestui moment, alaturi de inregistrarea intregii sedinte, va putea fi urmarita la postul RomTV!
Va multumim!
Inregistrarea acestui moment, alaturi de inregistrarea intregii sedinte, va putea fi urmarita la postul RomTV!
Va multumim!
Vise expirate
Visele mele expiră azi...
Miezul nopţii le va lua departe
Iar eu nu am reuşit să le dau viaţă...
De necaz, ochii mei plâng
Şi suspină neîncetat
După visul suprem al fiinţei mele...
Degeaba...e prea târziu acum!
Lupta nu a fost dusă la timpul ei
Şi visele şi-au pierdut valabilitatea.
În locul lor vor veni altele,
Mai superficiale sau mai îndrăzneţe,
Creând în sinea mea o luptă prea dură
Pentru a o câştiga...
Şi totuş ce să mai trăiesc dacă nu visez?
De ce să îmi mai îndrept ochii către cer
Dacă nu visez să îl ating?
De ce să trăiesc fără iluzii
Şi fără să mă hrănesc cu speranţe?
Ce rost are viaţa dacă nu ai vise?
Paşii mei goi se pierd pe nisipul fierbinte,
Fruntea mea tristă cheamă vocea ta,
Ochii mei umezi te caută în depărtare...
Dar tu nu vii... nu vii în calea mea...
Te strigă sufletul să îl încălzeşti,
E frig, durerea provoacă durere...
Se zbate să îl auzi dar tu...tu nu vii.
Nu ai venit nici azi aşa cum nici ieri
Nu ţi-ai arătat ochii în palma inimii mele...
Poate mâine paşii tăi se vor îndrepta
Către durerea trupul meu trist...
Ştiu că poate ai obosit să îmi asculţi suferinţa,
Dar suferinţa mea va fi şi a ta într-o zi....
Azi a fost o zi minunata!
Am reusit sa imi obtin permisul european de conducere a calculatorului, ECDL si mai mult decat atat, mult mai important! am primit o super veste:
Obosita dupa o saptamana de scoala, aud telefonul sunand. Fara sa vreau, inchid. Dau bip si sunt sunata din nou. La telefon era asistenta personala a doamnei Andreea Marin Banica! (Ce fericire cand am auzit acest lucru)
Si fericirea a fost si mai mare cand mi-a spus de ce ma suna: sa ma anunte ca DA, doamna Andreea accepta sa ne sustina campania umanitara "Jucariile POT face miracole!"
Brusc, parca in jurul meu era numai lumina!
Sunt fericita! Chiar sunt! Saptamana viitoare voi merge personal la Bucuresti pentru a filma un interviu si mesajul de sustinere din partea Andreei Marin Banica!
Am reusit sa imi obtin permisul european de conducere a calculatorului, ECDL si mai mult decat atat, mult mai important! am primit o super veste:
Obosita dupa o saptamana de scoala, aud telefonul sunand. Fara sa vreau, inchid. Dau bip si sunt sunata din nou. La telefon era asistenta personala a doamnei Andreea Marin Banica! (Ce fericire cand am auzit acest lucru)
Si fericirea a fost si mai mare cand mi-a spus de ce ma suna: sa ma anunte ca DA, doamna Andreea accepta sa ne sustina campania umanitara "Jucariile POT face miracole!"
Brusc, parca in jurul meu era numai lumina!
Sunt fericita! Chiar sunt! Saptamana viitoare voi merge personal la Bucuresti pentru a filma un interviu si mesajul de sustinere din partea Andreei Marin Banica!
marți, 9 noiembrie 2010
Povestea unui suflet trist...
Sufletul meu scârţâie azi...
Peste el s-a aşezat praful veacului nestins
Iar puţinii ani din viaţa mea
Nu m-au învăţat cum să-l şterg...
Ating cu mâinile mele păcătoase,
Cerul inimii tale şi totuşi nu te pot simţi...
Sufletul plânge, ţipă şi totuşi nimeni nu îl aude...
A muţit de atâta durere ascunsă...
Şi-a stins ochii înainte de vreme
Şi nimeni nu a încercat să îl salveze;
Dacă mi-ai atinge gândurile, poate mi-ai înţelege firea...
Dacă zâmbetele noastre ar fi împreună,
Sigur cerul ar râde
Şi oamenii ne-ar invidia...
Dar până atunci, sufletul meu scârţâie în continuare
Şi se agaţă de ultima fărâmă a suflării sale,
Încercând să prindă următorul răsărit...
O motiune a Parlamentului European al Tinerilor- Franta, care se merita a fi cunoscuta si dezbatuta!

Commission Culture et Éducation
Le Parlement Européen des Jeunes
Clauses d’introduction
A. Alarmé par le désintérêt croissant des jeunes face à l’Europe et à ce qu’elle représente,
B. Regrettant vivement que la politique de communication de l’Union Européenne à l’encontre des jeunes soit élitiste,
C. Tout à fait convaincu que l’intérêt pour l’Union Européenne peut naître aisément au sein de la jeunesse européenne,
D. Considérant qu’une meilleure connaissance des différentes entités européennes ne peut qu’engendrer un intérêt plus vif pour celles-ci,
E. Profondément troublé par le refus quasi unanime de la Constitution Européenne en mai dernier,
F. Ayant constaté que l’on a tendance à banaliser l’importance de l’Europe dans les programmes scolaires laissant ainsi penser à la jeunesse que la citoyenneté au sein de l’Europe est acquise,
G. Remarquant avec plaisir l’instauration de programmes communautaires SOCRATES qui permettent à des jeunes européens de partir étudier en Europe dans le cadre d’échanges financés par l’Union Européenne,
H. Insistant sur le fait qu’une plus grande connaissance mutuelle permettrait une meilleure appréciation des valeurs de l’Europe,
I. Profondément concerné par l’Europe économique et culturelle de demain,
J. Tout à fait convaincu que l’on doit préserver les différentes traditions, identités culturelles propres à chaque communauté,
K. Ayant entendu que les compétitions sportives européennes doivent se démocratiser et notamment s’ouvrir aux équipes amatrices,
L. Observant que les actions de l’Union Européenne ne sont pas assez mises en avant et trop peu médiatisées auprès des jeunes, qui ne prennent ainsi pas assez conscience des atouts que représente le fait d’être citoyen européen,
M. Déclarant que l’on doit faciliter les déplacements au sein de l’Europe pour des budgets limités tels que ceux dont disposent les jeunes,
N. Se souvenant que la Communauté Européenne et les états membres ont pour objectifs la promotion de l’emploi, l’amélioration des conditions de vie et de travail, permettant l’égalisation des jeunes dans le progrès, une protection sociale adéquate selon l’article 136 du Traité instituant la Communauté Européenne ;
Clauses d’action
1. Insiste sur l’importance de l’emploi pour les jeunes et demande :
a. que les jeunes diplômés trouvent un emploi adapté à leurs compétences,
b. une meilleure sécurité de l’emploi en évitant la délocalisation des entreprises ;
2. Souhaite une révision de la politique de communication de l’Union Européenne, en encourageant :
a. la mise en place de campagnes d’information ayant pour but de mettre en exergue les actions remarquables mises en place par l’Union Européenne,
b. la simplification et la démocratisation des communiqués de l’Union Européenne à l’égard des 15-25 ans ;
3. Considère comme urgent l’instauration de mesures facilitant pour les jeunes Européens le transport entre les différents pays de l’Union Européenne et suggère ainsi :
a. la création d’une carte de transport valable sur les réseaux de transport en commun permettant aux jeunes européens d’obtenir des réductions tarifaires lors de leurs déplacements au sein de l’Union,
b. l’amélioration et l’optimisation du réseau de transport en commun européen notamment en direction des nouveaux pays membres ;
4. Propose :
a. l’organisation de rencontres sportives entre sportifs amateurs européens,
b. l’enseignement en milieu scolaire de sports originaires de pays voisins ;
5. Approuve la multiplication de jumelages et d’échanges entre les différents pays membres et notamment avec les pays nouvellement accueillis au sein de l’Union Européenne ;
6. Encourage la promotion de la production d’œuvres artistiques et culturelles ayant pour cible les jeunes :
a. en créant différents festivals consacrés aux films et œuvres cinématographiques d’inspiration européenne,
b. en ouvrant vers l’Europe la politique culturelle de chaque pays de l’Union Européenne ;
7. Incite à rechercher une meilleure cohérence dans les actions de l’Union qui concernent ou affectent la situation des jeunes (formation, recherche, éducation, encouragement à l’esprit d’entreprise, mobilité, culture, etc.…) ;
8. Soutient le projet de mise en place d’une carte d’identité européenne.
Un proiect foarte interesant! Pentru scolile Romascane!
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is organising a simulated plenary session that will allow secondary school children from the 27 EU Member States to see how the EESC decision-making process works in relation to a specific subject.
The simulation exercise will take part in two stages:
registration, selection and preparation in class,
the simulated plenary session in Brussels.
The instructions for each stage are given below.
Registration and selection of schools
Schools wishing to take part must register online through the EESC's internet site before 30 November 2010 (midnight, Brussels time).
After registration has closed, the schools to take part in the simulation exercise will be chosen by lot.
The selected schools will themselves choose three students in their pre-final year of secondary education (aged ≥ 16 years) to represent them, as well as a teacher who will accompany them. These people must all be able to express themselves in English or French. The event will take place in Brussels at the headquarters of the European Economic and Social Committee from 5 to 7 May 2011.
The EESC will pay the travel and accommodation expenses of the students and accompanying teacher in accordance with the conditions set out below.
All the key information about the simulation exercise will be published on the EESC's internet site. The teachers involved are therefore asked to check the site regularly.
The preparatory phase comprises registration, selection of schools by lot, selection of students by participating schools and preparation for the simulation exercise in each school.
1. Registration
1.1 Conditions for participating
To take part, a school must:
be located in an EU Member State;
be recognised by the education authorities in one or more Member States;
have a computer (that can open and print PDF files), with internet access and email;
undertake to choose one teacher and three students in their pre-final year of secondary education (≥16 years) who can express themselves in English or French;
undertake to consider and discuss the topic of the simulation exercise in class before coming to Brussels;
undertake to host one EESC member for an information session on the EU and the Committee between 15 January and 15 March 2011 (travel expenses of the EESC member to be paid by the Committee). Other classes from the same school and/or other schools may be invited to this meeting with the EESC member.
It would be useful for the school to have had some experience with international exchange programmes (EU-funded or other), but this is not a condition for taking part.
1.2 Registration process
Schools wishing to take part must complete this online registration form.
Before registration the school must designate the accompanying teacher, who will be the only contact person for the EESC – if the school is selected – during the phase of preparation for the simulation exercise. The head teacher of the school must confirm this choice in the relevant section of the online registration form.
The school must enter on the registration form its full name and address, the name and contact details of the head teacher and accompanying teacher, and an email address to which all correspondence with the accompanying teacher can be sent. Email must be checked regularly, since the schools will be contacted mainly by email.
N.B.: Only one registration form per school will be accepted.
Registration will remain open until 30 November 2010 (midnight Brussels time).
1.3 What do schools commit themselves to by registering?
Each school that registers accepts the general conditions of the draw, preparation and simulation exercise.
Valid registration by the deadline guarantees only that the school can take part in the draw; it does not guarantee a place in the simulation exercise.
The schools selected by lot undertake:
a) to choose and register three students who will take part in the simulation exercise in Brussels, accompanied by a teacher;
b) to invite one EESC member for an information session;
c) to consider and discuss a document proposed by the EESC, make amendments to it and send it to the EESC before the simulated plenary session;
d) to share the results of their work at the simulated session in Brussels by taking an active part in the session;
e) to agree to their name and pictures of the EESC member's visit to the school being posted on the EESC website and related social networks;
f) to inform the organisers at the EESC promptly of any change (e.g. in the accompanying teacher, email address).
1.4 What happens if the school does not meet its commitments?
Any failure to meet these conditions will result in the school and its students being immediately excluded from the simulation exercise.
2. Selection of schools
The schools will be selected by lot in December 2010 from the schools that have applied by the deadline. The names will be drawn in the presence of the EESC's vice-president, who will ensure that the draw is conducted in accordance with the rules. One school will be selected for each Member State. The chosen schools will be informed individually, and their names posted on the EESC website in December 2010.
3. Selection and registration of students
The schools selected should choose three students to take part in the simulated plenary session in Brussels from 5 to 7 May 2011.
The students chosen must be in their pre-final year of secondary education (aged ≥ 16 years) and be able to express themselves in English or French.
3.1 Selection criteria
The schools themselves will select students to represent them. They may set their own selection criteria, provided these are clear, fair and non-discriminatory. For reasons of gender equality, the students selected must include at least one boy and one girl.
3.2 Participation of disabled students
Schools must ensure that disabled students are also able to take part in the simulation exercise. If special arrangements are required, the schools must inform the EESC organisers in good time.
3.3 Registration of students
The schools taking part must register the three students selected by 20 January 2011.
Before registering the students, the schools must obtain written agreement from their parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
3.4 Protection of personal data
The EESC guarantees the protection of all personal data received in accordance with prevailing legislation.
4. Preparation for the simulation exercise in the schools
A member of the Committee will visit the schools between 15 January and 15 March 2011. The member will provide information about the EESC and how it works. The EESC will pay the member's travel expenses.
In February-March 2011 the schools taking part will receive a working document in the language they selected in the online registration form (English or French).
They will also be able to download the working document from the EESC's internet site in one or more other EU official languages.
The students will be asked to read and discuss the text of the working document, and then propose amendments to it. The number of amendments is limited to three per school.
For drafting the amendments, the students can choose between all the languages in which the working document is available.
1. Authorisation form
The schools taking part will be required to provide an authorisation form for each student. The form can be downloaded in the above-mentioned languages and printed from the EESC's website from the beginning of December 2010. This form must be signed by the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the student and by the head of the school. It must then be sent to the EESC in Brussels by post, fax or email, accompanied by a copy of a valid identity document for each student, to the following address or fax number:
European Economic and Social Committee
VMA2 5/15
rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99
1040 Bruxelles/Brussel
Fax: +32 2 546 9926
email: youreurope
In this form, the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the student and the head of the school attest that:
the student has permission to go to Brussels for the simulated plenary session;
the student's name may be published on the EESC website and related social networks with photos and/or video recordings of the session;
the student will be supervised by the accompanying teacher while travelling and during their stay in Brussels.
The student may not take part in the trip unless the authorisation form and a copy of the identity document are received by the stated deadline.
2. Responsibility
The accompanying teachers will bear full responsibility for the students and themselves during the journey and stay in Brussels.
The students and teacher accompanying them must take the necessary travel documents (i.e. valid passport or identity card). They must also have a European health insurance card (available free from local insurance organisations and/or sickness funds) or a provisional replacement certificate if the card cannot be issued in time.
The EESC will organise and pay the costs of the journey and accommodation of students and accompanying teacher of each Member State.
3. Arrangements for the simulated plenary session
The simulated plenary session will take place on Friday 6 May 2011. Students will arrive in Brussels on 5 May, and will meet the other participants that evening. They will return home on 7 May.
The schools taking part will be informed in advance of the exact arrangements for the simulated plenary session.
4. Working languages
During the working sessions, discussions will be held in English and/or French. To ensure that the simulation exercise goes smoothly, the accompanying teacher and students must be able to express themselves in one of these two languages. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided from and into French and English during the working sessions.
5. Expenses
The EESC will pay the travel and accommodation expenses of the students and their teacher. Travel will be by air or train, depending on the participants' country of origin. The EESC will pay the costs of travel between the departure station or airport and its premises. The schools taking part will be informed of the exact arrangements.
More information is available at the EESC internet site.
You can also send questions to the EESC's organisers by email at: youreurope.
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is organising a simulated plenary session that will allow secondary school children from the 27 EU Member States to see how the EESC decision-making process works in relation to a specific subject.
The simulation exercise will take part in two stages:
registration, selection and preparation in class,
the simulated plenary session in Brussels.
The instructions for each stage are given below.
Registration and selection of schools
Schools wishing to take part must register online through the EESC's internet site before 30 November 2010 (midnight, Brussels time).
After registration has closed, the schools to take part in the simulation exercise will be chosen by lot.
The selected schools will themselves choose three students in their pre-final year of secondary education (aged ≥ 16 years) to represent them, as well as a teacher who will accompany them. These people must all be able to express themselves in English or French. The event will take place in Brussels at the headquarters of the European Economic and Social Committee from 5 to 7 May 2011.
The EESC will pay the travel and accommodation expenses of the students and accompanying teacher in accordance with the conditions set out below.
All the key information about the simulation exercise will be published on the EESC's internet site. The teachers involved are therefore asked to check the site regularly.
The preparatory phase comprises registration, selection of schools by lot, selection of students by participating schools and preparation for the simulation exercise in each school.
1. Registration
1.1 Conditions for participating
To take part, a school must:
be located in an EU Member State;
be recognised by the education authorities in one or more Member States;
have a computer (that can open and print PDF files), with internet access and email;
undertake to choose one teacher and three students in their pre-final year of secondary education (≥16 years) who can express themselves in English or French;
undertake to consider and discuss the topic of the simulation exercise in class before coming to Brussels;
undertake to host one EESC member for an information session on the EU and the Committee between 15 January and 15 March 2011 (travel expenses of the EESC member to be paid by the Committee). Other classes from the same school and/or other schools may be invited to this meeting with the EESC member.
It would be useful for the school to have had some experience with international exchange programmes (EU-funded or other), but this is not a condition for taking part.
1.2 Registration process
Schools wishing to take part must complete this online registration form.
Before registration the school must designate the accompanying teacher, who will be the only contact person for the EESC – if the school is selected – during the phase of preparation for the simulation exercise. The head teacher of the school must confirm this choice in the relevant section of the online registration form.
The school must enter on the registration form its full name and address, the name and contact details of the head teacher and accompanying teacher, and an email address to which all correspondence with the accompanying teacher can be sent. Email must be checked regularly, since the schools will be contacted mainly by email.
N.B.: Only one registration form per school will be accepted.
Registration will remain open until 30 November 2010 (midnight Brussels time).
1.3 What do schools commit themselves to by registering?
Each school that registers accepts the general conditions of the draw, preparation and simulation exercise.
Valid registration by the deadline guarantees only that the school can take part in the draw; it does not guarantee a place in the simulation exercise.
The schools selected by lot undertake:
a) to choose and register three students who will take part in the simulation exercise in Brussels, accompanied by a teacher;
b) to invite one EESC member for an information session;
c) to consider and discuss a document proposed by the EESC, make amendments to it and send it to the EESC before the simulated plenary session;
d) to share the results of their work at the simulated session in Brussels by taking an active part in the session;
e) to agree to their name and pictures of the EESC member's visit to the school being posted on the EESC website and related social networks;
f) to inform the organisers at the EESC promptly of any change (e.g. in the accompanying teacher, email address).
1.4 What happens if the school does not meet its commitments?
Any failure to meet these conditions will result in the school and its students being immediately excluded from the simulation exercise.
2. Selection of schools
The schools will be selected by lot in December 2010 from the schools that have applied by the deadline. The names will be drawn in the presence of the EESC's vice-president, who will ensure that the draw is conducted in accordance with the rules. One school will be selected for each Member State. The chosen schools will be informed individually, and their names posted on the EESC website in December 2010.
3. Selection and registration of students
The schools selected should choose three students to take part in the simulated plenary session in Brussels from 5 to 7 May 2011.
The students chosen must be in their pre-final year of secondary education (aged ≥ 16 years) and be able to express themselves in English or French.
3.1 Selection criteria
The schools themselves will select students to represent them. They may set their own selection criteria, provided these are clear, fair and non-discriminatory. For reasons of gender equality, the students selected must include at least one boy and one girl.
3.2 Participation of disabled students
Schools must ensure that disabled students are also able to take part in the simulation exercise. If special arrangements are required, the schools must inform the EESC organisers in good time.
3.3 Registration of students
The schools taking part must register the three students selected by 20 January 2011.
Before registering the students, the schools must obtain written agreement from their parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
3.4 Protection of personal data
The EESC guarantees the protection of all personal data received in accordance with prevailing legislation.
4. Preparation for the simulation exercise in the schools
A member of the Committee will visit the schools between 15 January and 15 March 2011. The member will provide information about the EESC and how it works. The EESC will pay the member's travel expenses.
In February-March 2011 the schools taking part will receive a working document in the language they selected in the online registration form (English or French).
They will also be able to download the working document from the EESC's internet site in one or more other EU official languages.
The students will be asked to read and discuss the text of the working document, and then propose amendments to it. The number of amendments is limited to three per school.
For drafting the amendments, the students can choose between all the languages in which the working document is available.
1. Authorisation form
The schools taking part will be required to provide an authorisation form for each student. The form can be downloaded in the above-mentioned languages and printed from the EESC's website from the beginning of December 2010. This form must be signed by the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the student and by the head of the school. It must then be sent to the EESC in Brussels by post, fax or email, accompanied by a copy of a valid identity document for each student, to the following address or fax number:
European Economic and Social Committee
VMA2 5/15
rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99
1040 Bruxelles/Brussel
Fax: +32 2 546 9926
email: youreurope
In this form, the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the student and the head of the school attest that:
the student has permission to go to Brussels for the simulated plenary session;
the student's name may be published on the EESC website and related social networks with photos and/or video recordings of the session;
the student will be supervised by the accompanying teacher while travelling and during their stay in Brussels.
The student may not take part in the trip unless the authorisation form and a copy of the identity document are received by the stated deadline.
2. Responsibility
The accompanying teachers will bear full responsibility for the students and themselves during the journey and stay in Brussels.
The students and teacher accompanying them must take the necessary travel documents (i.e. valid passport or identity card). They must also have a European health insurance card (available free from local insurance organisations and/or sickness funds) or a provisional replacement certificate if the card cannot be issued in time.
The EESC will organise and pay the costs of the journey and accommodation of students and accompanying teacher of each Member State.
3. Arrangements for the simulated plenary session
The simulated plenary session will take place on Friday 6 May 2011. Students will arrive in Brussels on 5 May, and will meet the other participants that evening. They will return home on 7 May.
The schools taking part will be informed in advance of the exact arrangements for the simulated plenary session.
4. Working languages
During the working sessions, discussions will be held in English and/or French. To ensure that the simulation exercise goes smoothly, the accompanying teacher and students must be able to express themselves in one of these two languages. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided from and into French and English during the working sessions.
5. Expenses
The EESC will pay the travel and accommodation expenses of the students and their teacher. Travel will be by air or train, depending on the participants' country of origin. The EESC will pay the costs of travel between the departure station or airport and its premises. The schools taking part will be informed of the exact arrangements.
More information is available at the EESC internet site.
You can also send questions to the EESC's organisers by email at: youreurope.
Bazar de idei...
Azi am filmat o noua editie a emisiunii "Bazar de idei". I-am avut ca invitati pe Dragos-Cosmin Toma si Alina Murarescu de la Grup Scolar Vasile Sav, cu care am discutat timp de 50 de minute despre pasiune, munca, reusita, proiecte, branding personal, mentori si multe altele. O emisiune interesanta, motivanta, in care am inteles ca DA, Romanul are valoare! si ca DA, se poate!
Daca sunteti interesati, va invit sa urmariti emisiunea, Duminica de la ora 9.00, pe postul romascan de televiziune RomTV.
O seara frumoasa tuturor!
Multumesc invitatilor pentru prezenta si pentru pasiunea cu care au vorbit!
Daca sunteti interesati, va invit sa urmariti emisiunea, Duminica de la ora 9.00, pe postul romascan de televiziune RomTV.
O seara frumoasa tuturor!
Multumesc invitatilor pentru prezenta si pentru pasiunea cu care au vorbit!
luni, 8 noiembrie 2010
Jucariile pot face MIRACOLE!!
Jucariile pot face MIRACOLE!!
„Visez că merg pe picioarele mele şi că alerg şi că mă plimb prin parc.”
...mai multe detalii despre aceasta campanie desfasurata in orasul roman, in curand :)
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