marți, 29 iunie 2010

Come this way if you are ready for peace!

        Almost every day, I wonder how would Earth look like without wars, fights, evil and racism. Do you know how it would look like? I am sure that every one has his own idea about the perfect world, but why does not every one of us do something in order to make the world at least a little bit more beautiful than we have found it? Why not change ourselves first, and then have the courage of changing the world?
        First of all, let’s be more peaceful with ourselves, then respect the others because we are all equals from birth, and then let’s cooperate and really really change the world. Let’s all go out in the streets one day(same day for the whole continent) and ask for peace; ask for the wars to stop; ask for a better life. Let’s all join different organizations that fight for peace, let’s all make a world wide corporation and build a strong plan against all that destroys nowadays peace.
        The equation is simple: God gave us life, gave us a wonderful world and our duty is to respect God by protecting what he has offered to us. We all know that God loves us, but why do we make him suffer with our actions? Does he deserve to suffer? We all know that the answer is no, but the problem is that we ignore the reality.
        In my opinion, peace start with every one of us; peace starts from our souls, from our family and of course from our faith. Let’s not ignore the reality anymore and let’s do something for real this time. Give up fake plans, be real! Fight for real and bring peace on Earth! Haven’t you had enough of crimes, bombs and tears? Is it this the world you dreamt of? Give life to your most peaceful ideas, give heart to your purest faith, give yourself the change of living in a world of joy and happiness.
        All the world talks about peace, gives ideas, has opinions, but only a few people act! Why don’t we act in order to change the world and make it better? We all have the power of changing bad things into good ones. We all can but we must want firstly. 
        So I say: Let’s make a conference with teenagers from all, but all the countries in the world and make a common plan for fighting against all that destroys the world’s peace. But this time we must do a real plan, a valuable one. If I would have the relations and knowledge to join teenagers from the whole world in Romania, to make this plan I would really do it. We need a strong conference, where to be invited presidents or governors from each country, and make a partnership with them in which to sustain methods for a peaceful world.
       That conference it is a little bit hard to organize and we need money in order to meet all together for peace. But I strongly think that if everyone of us tries to be itself more peaceful and to convince the others around him that peace is the best option, we could do it: we could have a more peaceful world.
        Till that conference to take place I have my own method of bringing peace on Earth: I don’t fight with my friends, neighbors, colleagues or relatives; I write poems about peace, I try to make new friends, I volunteer and the most important: I make peace with myself.
       On the other hand, let’s think about an ”environmental peace”- because today’s problems are related to destroying the nature. We don’t respect the environment and we destroy it. This issue is also connected to world peace. Do you wonder why? Because when I say PEACE I think of a space where everything is almost perfect: the nature is protected, people live in happiness and all the countries get on well together.
       Hey, you man! Don’t you see we have enough problems? Some are starving, some are sick, the economic crisis is getting even hard, so why cause more problems? Why not fight for peace in order to reestablish order in the world? I can’t even believe that it exists at least one man in this world that hates peace – maybe he says so, but in his heart he definitely loves peace because we are all made of God, and He put in our hearts all the greatest feelings.
      Let’s don’t lie to ourselves anymore: we don’t like this world the way it looks today! We are the ones capable to make something in order to have a better future. Step up all of you and fight for peace!
Lucrurile simple sunt cele mai profund traite....Nimeni si nimic din ceea ce e prea superficial nu ma poate face fericita...

miercuri, 23 iunie 2010 ma ajuta cu o idee de tema pentru atestatul la limba engleza?
:) Thanks 

Discover around you!

Training Course on Cultural Diversity
26 September 2010 – 02 October  2010
Kayseri, Turkey

We, youngesters from Kayseri will organise a training course on Cultural Diversity. The main aim of our training course is to increase knowledge, skills and atttitudes of younth workers on diversity and cultural diversity issues. We want to explore identities, culture, prejudice, stereotypes, intolerance. etc.
We believe the value of diversity and we want to increase awareness of cultural diversity in local, regional, national and international level. So that is why we want to organise this training course.
We will use non formal educational methos in our project. So participants will feel themselves in the project and they will learn by doing.
There will be 21 participants from 7 countries. It will take place in 20-26 September in Kayseri, Turkey.

Eligible partners: who is from Programme countries (27 EU and 3 EFTA)
                                       is interested in Cultural Diversity issues.
   can send 3 participants to the course

Financial of the project: Youth in Action, Action 4.3. rules will be obeyed for the Project.
We will provide meals and accomadations. And we will reimburse 70% of travel cost and 100% of visa.

Adress: Ali Ramazan Esen
             Kayseri İl Özel İdaresi Genel Sekreterliği
             Gültepe Mahallesi, Mustafa Kemal Paşa Bulvarı
             Özüm Caddesi No : 18  
             38030  Melikgazi Kayseri, Turkey

Contact :  Mustafa YILDIZ
msn:  ( 18 hours online )
mobile  : 0090 538 666 18 68 ( 24 hours open )

marți, 22 iunie 2010

Proiect 1 Iunie!

Un articol de care eu si colegele mele suntem extrem de mandre(mai ales de poza, care este realizata de 1 Iunie in Ruginoasa)

luni, 21 iunie 2010

Branding Romania 2010: YES WE CAN!

Eu voi fi la Branding Romania 2010! Vino si tu! afla mai multe pe

Te asteptam! Impreuna putem face lucruri minunata! Vino sa descoperi si sa te redescoperi!

De ce Branding Romania 2010?
-pentru că ştim că vrei ceva ce nu e ca la şcoală;
-pentru că ştim că vrei să înveţi o mulţime de lucruri noi;
-pentru că ştim că învăţarea şi distracţia merg “mână-n mână”!
-pentru că ştim că nu vrei să ratezi şansa de a creşte!

Lasa-ti amprenta la Branding Romania 2010!
Olanesti, 26 august - 01 septembrie 2010

Clubul Liderii Mileniului Trei în parteneriat cu Primaria Ramnicu Valcea organizeaza in perioada 26 august – 01 septembrie 2010 la Baile Olanesti, scoala de vara Branding Romania 2010 – YES, WE CAN!, in vederea promovarii cetateniei active a tinerilor si a educatiei non-formale.

Aflata la a treia editie, scoala de vara Branding Romania 2010 se adreseaza tinerilor cu varste cuprinse intre 17 si 20 de ani, iar temele abordate sunt autodezvoltarea si atitudinea civica, elemente esentiale in dezvoltarea unor actori sociali responsabili.

Atelierele de lucru le vor oferi celor 42 de participanti cadrul necesar invatarii si punerii in aplicare a conceptelor de voluntariat si responsabilitate sociala prin subiecte precum creativitatea ca element-resursa, branding personal, argumentare si public speaking. Unul dintre rezultatele scolii va fi editarea unei brosuri continand idei de proiecte comunitare ce pot fi realizate de grupuri informale de tineri si organizatii non-guvernamentale. Brosura va fi distribuita ulterior autoritatilor din orasele de provenienta ale participantilor, acestia putand concura in luna octombrie si pentru o bursa de start-up in cadrul intâlnirii de follow-up.

Clubul Liderii Mileniului Trei este o asociatie neguvernamentala, non-profit si apolitica avand ca scop dezvoltarea personala si profesionala a tinerilor. Misiunea acestei „Scoli de joburi si networking, valori si caractere" este de a contura în Romania o generatie de lideri capabila sa declanseze si sa isi asume schimbarea prin promovarea relatiilor de tip adult-adult.

Deadline aplicatii: 18 iulie
Taxa de participare: 300 Ron (sunt acoperite costurile de cazare, masa, training; nu este inclus transportul)
* CLUB LMT pune la dispozitie 5 burse integrale pentru tinerii cu posibilitati financiare reduse.


joi, 10 iunie 2010

ajutati-ne cu un vot la proiectul "Joaca si sport" pe sectiunea Orasul Tau!

marți, 8 iunie 2010

Putini stiu, insa alaturi de colegele mele Raluca C si Amelia C am reusit sa obtinem de la Fundatia Dinu Patriciu o finantare de 1000 de Lei pentru implementarea in comuna Ruginoasa a proiectului " 1 Iunie-zambet si bucurie!", proiect ce a avut ca scop crearea unei atmosfere propice zilei internationale a copilului pentru cei 179 de elevi cu posibilitati reduse din comuna Ruginoasa.

Multumim tuturor celor care ne-au ajutat!

A fost o experienta minunata!

Va invit sa vedeti ce am facut noi de 1 Iunie si sa ne urmati exemplu deoarece copilaria are si va avea mereu prioritate!!
dragi prieteni invitam sa scrieti pe site-ul lui Marian Stas ce a insemnat pentru voi experienta LMT