Cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita CV-ul complet (in lb.romana sau in lb.engleza) pe adresa: contact@clublmt.ro pana Miercuri, 9 Februarie la ora 00.00.
Cautam 6 tineri: 4 cu varsta intre 18-25 ani, 1 participant cu varsta intre 26-30 de ani si un lider de grup ce nu are limita de varsta. Celelalte tari participante la proiect sunt Turcia, Italia si Marea Britanie.
Organizatorii va asigura cazare si masa 100% si va deconteaza la sosirea in Turcia 70% din costul transportului din orasul de origine pana la locatia proiectului(deci trebuie intial sa va inaintati dvs. suma necesara transportului pana in Turcia)
Cei care nu sunt membri ai Club LMT si vor fi selectati pentru a participa la acest proiect, trebuie sa achite o taxa de membru in valoare de 100 Ron!!!
Project Summary: As we observe during our daily lives, people living in the big cities become stranger to the nature. The youngsters stuck in big cities, don’t have much opportunities to learn about rural life. This project aims to provide the young people the suitable enviroment to make them experience the daily life in a traditional Anatolian village where connection with nature is not interrupted. The young participants will stay in the village for a week and in this way, they will become aware of nature and also be instructed about sustainable development activities in a village. The main goal of the project is to get the young people participate to daily life in a village. Intercultural dialogue between the parties is the primary asset of our project. We presume that this would promote young people’s European citizenship and build up a fine basis for their future integration. On the other hand; by participating village life, young participants will have a chance to create an additional value for the region. The parties will participate in agricultural workshops with village youth and this will create a common feeling of responsibility for nature.Eliza Chirila
– Coordonator Proiecte Internationale
Leaders of the Third Millennium Club
Clubul Liderii Mileniului Trei
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